အသောကရဲ့ အက္ခရာများ-၁၅ (အပိုင်း-၂)
နာဂလဇနသ အကသၼာ ပလိေဗာေဓ ၀။ အကသၼာ ပလိကိေလေသ ၀ ေနာ သိယာ
လူအေပါင္းကို အေၾကာင္းမ႐ွိဘဲ ဖမ္းဆီးျခင္း ညႇင္းပန္းျခင္း မျပဳရ။
ေဒ၀ါနံပိယမင္း၏ စကားျဖင့္ ေတာသလိၿမိဳ႕ကို အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္ေသာ မဟာမတၱေခၚ အမတ္ႀကီးတို႔ကို ဤသို႔ ေျပာၾကားရမည္။
ငါေတြ႕ျမင္ေသာ အေၾကာင္းအရာကို သင္တို႔အား သိေစလို၏။ အသို႔နည္း။ ငါသည္ ျပဳသင့္ေသာ အမႈကို နည္းလမ္းအမ်ိဳးမ်ိဳးျဖင့္ စတင္ အားထုတ္မည္။ အက်ိဳးေက်းဇူး႐ွိေသာ နည္းလမ္းကို သင္တို႔အား ၫႊန္ၾကားမည္။ ယင္းသည္ အမွန္မုခ် ငါအလို႐ွိေသာ နည္းလမ္းျဖစ္၏။ သင္တို႔သည္ ေထာင္ေပါင္းမ်ားစြာေသာ လူတို႔၏ မွီခိုရာ ျဖစ္ေသာေၾကာင့္ သူေတာ္ေကာင္းတို႔ ျမတ္ႏိုးျခင္း၏ တည္ရာျဖစ္ရမည္။
လူအေပါင္းသည္ ငါ၏ သားသမီးမ်ား ျဖစ္၏။ အသို႔နည္း- ငါ၏ သားသမီးမ်ားကို ပစၥဳပၸန္ တမလြန္ႏွင့္ စပ္လ်ဥ္းေသာ စီးပြားခ်မ္းသာကို ယွဥ္ေစလိုသကဲ့သို႔ လူတို႔၌လည္း ငါအလို႐ွိ၏။ ဤစကား၏ အဓိပၸါယ္အလံုးစံုကို အကုန္သိၾကမည္မဟုတ္။ တစံုတဦးသိေသာ္လည္း တစိတ္တေဒသမွ်သာ သိမည္။ အားလံုး သိမည္ မဟုတ္။
သင္တို႔သည္ ဤနည္းလမ္းကို ႐ႈၾကေလာ့၊ ယခု ေျပာၾကားမည့္ စကားသည္ ေကာင္းစြာ စီရင္ထားေသာ နီတိျဖစ္၏။ တစံုတေယာက္သည္ အေၾကာင္းမဲ့ အခ်ဳပ္အေႏွာင္, ညႇင္းပန္းနွိပ္စက္ျခင္း ခံရပါလွ်င္ သူႏွင့္ အျခားသူ အမ်ားအျပားလည္း အလြန္ ဆင္းရဲပင္ပန္းျခင္းသို႔ ေရာက္ၾကရ၏။ ထုိသုိ႔ေသာအခါ မဇၩိမပဋိပဒါကို အလို႐ွိအပ္၏။ အသို႔နည္း- ျငဴစူျခင္း,အားမထုတ္ျခင္း, ၾကမ္းၾကဳတ္ျခင္း, အေဆာတလ်င္ ျပဳလုပ္ျခင္း, မစြမ္းႏိုင္ျခင္း, ပ်င္းရိျခင္း, အအိပ္ၾကဴးျခင္းတို႔ေၾကာင့္ ၿပီးေျမာက္ျခင္း မျဖစ္ႏိုင္။ ထို႔ေၾကာင့္ ယင္းတရားတို႔ မျဖစ္ေစရာ အစဥ္ အားထုတ္ျခင္းႏွင့္ အေဆာတလ်င္ မျပဳလုပ္ျခင္းသည္ တရားအားလံုး၏ မူလျဖစ္၍ ယင္းတို႔ကို ျပဳလုပ္အားထုတ္ရမည္။ မျပတ္မလပ္ က်င့္သြားၾကရမည္။
ထိုတရားျဖင့္ သူတပါးတို႔အားလည္း “ေဒ၀ါနံပိယမင္းသည္ ဤသို႔ ဆံုးမ၏။ ထို႔ေၾကာင့္ ယင္းတရားကို ေကာင္းစြာ အားထုတ္ပါလွ်င္ အက်ိဳးျဖစ္မည္။ ျပည့္စံုစြာ မက်င့္ပါလွ်င္ အျပစ္ျဖစ္မည္။ ေဖာက္ျပန္၍ က်င့္ပါေသာ္ နတ္႐ြာသို႔လားရမည္။ ေႂကြးၿမီမွလည္း ကင္းမည္”ဟု ေျပာေဟာၾကေလာ့။
ဤစာကို ဤအက်ိဳးအတြက္ ေရးေစျခင္း ျဖစ္၏။ ယင္းစာျဖင့္ ၿမိဳ႕အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္သူတို႔သည္ အခါခပ္သိမ္း ဤသို႔ ယွဥ္ရာ၏။ အေၾကာင္းမ႐ွိဘဲ ၿမိဳ႕ေနလူတို႔ကို ခ်ဳပ္ေႏွာင္ျခင္း, ညႇင္းပန္းႏွိပ္စက္ျခင္းတို႔ မျပဳရ။
ဤအတြက္ ငါသည္ ငါးႏွစ္ ငါးႏွစ္ေျမာက္တိုင္း သိမ္ေမြ႕ေသာ, အျပစ္ကင္းေသာ, သနားက႐ုဏာ႐ွိေသာ အမတ္တို႔ကို ေစလႊတ္မည္။ သူတို႔သည္ ဤအက်ိဳးအားနိသင္ကို သိျမင္၍ ငါ၏ အဆံုးအမအတိုင္း ေဆာင္႐ြက္ၾကလိမ့္မည္။ ထို႔ျပင္ ဥေဇၨနီျပည္၌ မင္းသားလည္း ဤအက်ိဳးအတြက္ ဤနည္းလမ္းအတိုင္း အမႈထမ္းတို႔ကို ေစလႊတ္လိမ့္မည္။ တကၠသိုလ္ျပည္၌လည္း ဤအတူပင္တည္း။ အမတ္ႀကီးတို႔သည္ မိမိတို႔ ေဆာင္႐ြက္ရမည့္ အလုပ္ကိစၥကို သိၾကၿပီးျဖစ္၍ မင္းၫႊန္ၾကားသည့္အတိုင္း ႀကိဳးစားအားထုတ္ ျပဳလုပ္ၾကလိမ့္မည္။
(သိရီဓမၼာေသာကမင္းတရားႀကီး၏ ကိုးတိုင္းကိုးဌာန ဗုဒၶဓမၼႏိုင္ငံေတာ္-ဦးေသာ္ဇင္)
By order of the Beloved of the Gods: the officers and city magistrates at Tosali/Samapa are to be instructed thus:
Whatever I approve of, that I desire either to achieve by taking action or to obtain by effective means. This is what I consider the chief method in this matter, and these are my instructions to you. You are in charge of many thousands of living beings. You should gain the affection of men. All men are my children, and just as I desire for my children that they should obtain welfare and happiness both in this world and the next, the same do I desire for all men. But you do not realize how far this principle goes—possibly one man among you may realize it, but even he only in part and not entirely. Reflect on it well even those of you who are well-placed. Often a man suffers imprisonment or torture and then is released from prison, without reason, and many other people suffer further. You should strive to practice impartiality. But it cannot be practiced by one possessing any of these faults—jealousy, shortness of temper, harshness, rashness, obstinacy, idleness, or slackness. You should wish to avoid such faults. The root of all this is to be even-tempered and not rush in your work. He who is slack will not act, and in your official functions you must strive, act, and work. So he who approves this should say to you, ‘Think of clearing to debt—thus and thus, does the Beloved of the Gods instruct.’ There is great advantage in conforming to this instruction and great loss in not conforming to it. For by disregarding it you will gain neither heaven nor the favor of the king. Why do I devote my mind to this matter so extensively? Because by conforming you will reach heaven and will discharge your debt to me.
This edict is to be proclaimed on the eighth day of star Tisya, and at intervals between the Tisya-day it is to be read aloud, even to a single person. By doing this you may be able to conform to my instructions. This inscription has been engraved here in order that the city magistrates should at all time see to it that men are never imprisoned or tortured without good reason. And for this purpose, I shall send out on tour every five years, an officer who is not severe or harsh; who, having investigated this matter…, shall see that they carry out my instructions. The prince at Ujjain shall send out a similar group of officers, but at intervals not exceeding three years. Similarly at Taxila when the officers go out on tour they shall investigate this, without neglecting their normal duties and shall carry out the king’s instructions.
(Asoka and the decline of the Mauryas- Romila Thapar)
The mahamatra od Tosali who are in-charge of judiciary, should be addressed thus by the command of the Beloved of the Gods: Whatever I conceive, I desire to see that into practice and fulfilled by proper means. For this I consider my instructions to you to be the principal means to that end. You are appointed over thousands of lives in order that you may surely gain the affection of the people. All men are my children. I desire for my children that they be united with all well-being and happiness of this world and the other world, similarly I wish it for all people. But you do not know the extent of this matter. Some individual officer knows it, but he, too, knows only a part of it, not the whole. See to this then, and this in policy is well established. Again there may be some individual who undergoes imprisonment or torture which causelessly turns to be the reason of his death, and many other persons also suffer from it. For that purpose you should desire to follow the middle path. But one cannot gain success through the following vices, envy, nervousness, cruelty, impatience, want of application, laziness and weariness. So you should wish that these vices (mentioned above) not be yours. The fundamentals of success are, however, steadiness and patience. He who is tired and wearied will not rise, but one should move, proceed and go ahead. This is the maxim of conduct. This is the policy which you should follow. For this reason you are to be told (thus): “See to the fulfillment of your duty (to the king).” Such and such is the instruction of the Beloved of the Gods: “SO the fulfillment of the same produces great good and non-fulfillment great calamity. And if one fails to fulfill it, one will attain neither heaven nor favor of the emperor. Why?—for enthusiasm of mind for this purpose has twofold results. If it is properly done you will gain heaven and also discharge your obligation to me.”
And this edict is to be heard on (every day of) the Tisya, and in the gap of the Tisya, on occasion it may be heard by even a single (person). Acting this thus you will be able to achieve (this object). For this purpose has this edict been engraved here so that the judicial officers may strive all the time that there may be no imprisonment of the people or their torture without reason.
And for this purpose I shall order mahanatras to go out on tour every five years, who will neither be rude nor violent but considerate in action, so that being alert in it, the judicial officers will act in accordance with my instructions. From Ujjayini, too, the prince (viceroy) will similarly send these officers and will not allow a gap on tour without overlooking their own duty, they will think this also, namely, whether the judicial officers are acting in accordance with the instruction of the king.
(Inscriptions of Asoka- N. P. Rastogi)